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Holly Grove Primary Academy


What is Science?

At Holly Grove Primary School we believe that children should be given the opportunity to explore and understand the world in which they live. Science at Holly Grove is about giving children the tools to develop their ideas and ways of working that enable them to understand the world through investigation with independence, resilience and enjoyment. Science inspires children, encouraging them to be inquisitive about the world, nurtures their innate curiosity and enables them to develop a range of skills that are useful across their learning. By the end of their primary education our pupils should be equipped to make informed decisions about new technologies, their health and the scientific opportunities around them. We believe that a broad and balanced science education is the entitlement of all children, regardless of ethnic, origin, gender, class, aptitude or disability.


Here are the aims of teaching the national science curriculum for different stages:

Early Years (EYFS)

  • Foster curiosity and enthusiasm for the natural world.

  • Develop basic observational and inquiry skills.

  • Encourage exploration and questioning about everyday phenomena.

  • Promote understanding of simple scientific concepts.

Key Stage 1 (KS1)

  • Build on observational skills and understanding of the natural and physical world.

  • Develop fundamental scientific skills such as asking questions, performing simple experiments, and recording findings.

  • Encourage pupils to use appropriate scientific language.

  • Introduce basic concepts in biology, chemistry, and physics.

Key Stage 2 (KS2)

  • Deepen knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts across various disciplines.

  • Develop investigative skills through more complex experiments and enquiries.

  • Foster critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

  • Encourage accurate recording and analysis of data.

  • Promote understanding of the nature, processes, and methods of science.

How Science links with our Torch Values 

holly grove torch values in science.pdf

What our children say about Science...

What a Science lesson looks like at Holly Grove

what a science lesson looks like at holly grove.pdf

 What a Science Unit looks like at Holly Grove

what a unit of work looks like in science at holly grove.pdf


At Holly Grove we want our children to be naturally curious about the world around them. We want to embrace their sense of wonder about natural phenomena and to guide them into becoming enquiry-based learners. The science in our school is about developing children’s ideas and ways of working that enable them to make sense of the world in which they live. We want our children to develop an understanding of the uses and implications of Science, how it has changed and shaped our lives and how vital it is to the world’s future prosperity. 

Subject Intent Science.pdf


The documents below identifies the key elements which we believe are important to incorporate into our Science lessons for them to build on previously taught knowledge and to deepen and secure key concepts. 

  • Our pathway for a unit of work in Science (Please note: the order of the pathway may be different but all elements will still be covered).
  • Our pathway for a lesson in Science (Please note: the order of the pathway may be different but all elements will still be covered). 

Our Science Curriculum

Progression Science Key Words.pdf

To ensure children are taught and remember the appropriate knowledge and skills relating to Science, we have created a whole school progressive breakdown of the national curriculum expectations. This draws on the skills and knowledge being taught across all subject areas and hopes to contribute to the development of key concepts and scientific skills in a deep and connected way.

Click here for our Science curriculum overview.

Science progression at Holly Grove.pdf

For more information about how we promote British values and SMSC through Science at Holly Grove, please click the link below:

primary science national curriculum.pdf



Science at Holly Grove

Take a look at all the fantastic learning the has been taking place in science across the school!


Further Information:

Please click the links below to support your child with Science at home. 

BBC Bitesize KS2

BBC Bitesize KS1

Get your children thinking like Scientists!

Primary Science online

Nat Geographic

The Royal Society

WOW Science

Twinkl- Free Science resourses

Hamilton Trust 

Science Kidz

National Curriculum Science