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Holly Grove Primary Academy



Miss Marshall, Miss Mantle and Mrs Ellis 

reception team

Welcome to the Reception year group page!


We are really looking forward to getting to know you all and work with you and your families.

In Reception we have two classes:

Miss Marshall's Class

Miss Mantle's Class

We register the children in their classes and have phonics lessons in their classes. However most of our work in Reception is more fluid and we work together as a unit. 

We look forward to sharing our work with you through photographs on the website and on Dojo

A few Reminders 

- Lunches are provided for all Reception children (there is no need to bring a packed lunch)

- Fruit is provided free of charge for snack

- Children are to be dropped off at 8.40am at the Holly Grove Lane Front gate and the gates will be closed promptly at 8.50am

-Children need to bring their water bottle daily

Parents Welcome Leaflet 2024

reception parents welcome 2024.pdf


Autumn Menus 2024

autumn menu 2024.pdf


Autumn Timetable

reception aut 1 timetable.pdf


 Forest Schools


  • Wellington boots
  • Coat
  • Old Warm clothing (tops, jumpers, trousers)
  • Hat and gloves
  • Waterproof coat/trousers if possible
  • Change of clothes and shoes 

    forest school powerpoint.pdf



    Your child can come to school in their PE kit on their PE day
  • White plain t-shirt
  • Green/Black shorts or joggers/tracksuit bottoms
  • Green/Black hoodie/sweatshirt/tracksuit top
  • Trainers
  • No earrings on a PE day please
  • No coloured t-shirts/football tops or other coloured tracksuits please. 

 EYFS Induction Evening for September 2024

eyfs induction evening 2024.pdf

 Class Dojo

Class Dojo

Like with the whole school we award monster points to children who show the superhero learning powers within Reception, children who do good tidying up and also children who complete their homework. As part of an incentive the more monster points the children earn the better the prizes. Please find attached Receptions prize list. 

class dojo points prizes.pdf


 Fine Motor Skills

fine motor activities home learning.pdf


Reading/ Phonics 

At Holly Grove we are a reading school and encourage reading at every opportunity. In Reception we follow the Big Cat Collins scheme, children are only given reading books when they are ready. Each child reads with a teacher at least twice weekly and we ask you read this book with them at home at least 3 times a week. Children have the opportunity to choose a library book to take home and read during class reading sessions which we offer 10 minutes everyday. Children change this book twice weekly. If a child reads three times weekly they will be given a raffle ticket, if they read every day they will be given two raffle tickets. Raffle tickets are drawn out at the end of each month for your child's chance to win some free books. 

Phonics sessions take place daily here at Holly Grove, where we follow the Little Wandle letters and sounds scheme. Children in Reception will learn phase 2 phonemes between September and October half term. 

Parents can access Little Wandle resources to help support your child at home with their phonics. Please click the button below
Phonics resources for parents

As well as all the exciting experiences we offer the children at Holly Grove, children also have timetabled big maths sessions to develop their numeracy skills and number knowledge 3 times weekly and also take part in daily phonics sessions. Along with this children also take part in daily massage which promotes SMSC.