Personal, Social & Health Education
What is PSHE?
At Holly Grove Primary Academy, we believe that PSHE and RSHE equip our children with the understanding, knowledge and skills they will need to succeed and thrive. Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is a non-statutory subject in which pupils are taught skills and subject knowledge which will help to support them in their own lives, relationships and communities. Relationships and Health Education is a statutory component of the curriculum in Primary Schools from September 2020. Relationships Education involves learning about many strands including: family relationships; friendships and relationships with peers and adults; healthy and unhealthy relationships; staying safe; the characteristics of positive relationships; relationships online and the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up. Health Education covers healthy lifestyles, first aid, mental health, hygiene and puberty.
Teaching about relationships enables our pupils to safely negotiate making new friendships; recognise potential threats to their wellbeing and personal safety; develop meaningful relationships with others throughout their lives; and know how to keep themselves safe and healthy. We also believe that a complete PSHE and RSHE curriculum is important, despite these not being a statutory requirement, to ensure that pupils have a well-rounded and rich curriculum covering a range of life skills as well as financial education and social education, learning about being part of a community and about social issues which affect their local area, nation and the whole world.
The purpose of the PSHE curriculum is to provide all pupils with opportunities to:
- Develop confidence and responsibility and make the most of their abilities
- Prepare to play an active role as citizens through developing skills for living and valuing themselves and respecting others
- Develop a healthy lifestyle
- Contribute to their community and the wider world and becoming morally and socially responsible
- Develop good relationships and respect the differences between people
How PSHE links with our Torch Values
holly grove torch values in pshe.pdf
What our children say about PSHE
Our PSHE curriculum aims to develop children's life long learning skills, ensuring they build awareness, understanding and knowledge as they become citizens of the future. Please click here to see our PSHE intent.
The document below shows a planned teaching sequence that a unit of PSHE lessons may follow in order to promote the sequential and progressive development of knowledge which can be securely demonstrated by our pupils.
What you can expect to see in a PSHE unit of work
What you can expect to see in a PSHE lesson
Our PSHE Curriculum
To ensure children are taught and remember the appropriate knowledge and skills relating to PSHRE, we have created a whole school progressive breakdown of the National Curriculum expectations, this draws on the skills and knowledge being taught across all subject areas and hopes to contribute to the development of key concepts and themes in a deep and connected way.
Knowledge and Skills Grid - KS1 and KS2 (Key Vocabulary Included)
Knowledge and Skills Grid - EYFS (Key Vocabulary Included)
My Life KS1 curriculum matching chart
My Life Lower KS2 curriculum matching chart
My Life Upper KS2 curriculum matching chart
PSHE at Holly Grove
Take a look at all the fantastic learning the has been taking place in PSHE across the school
Early Years Balance Bikes