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Holly Grove Primary Academy


What is Oracy at Holly Grove 

Speaking and listening skills are a fundamental key elements of the whole curriculum – cognitively, socially and linguistically. We want our children to develop effective communication skills for the here and now and also in readiness for later life. 

We will ensure that teachers and senior leaders are equipped with the skills to develop oracy for teaching and learning, to provide opportunities for talk across the curriculum and to elevate speaking beyond the classroom. By building a culture of oracy within our school, we want to develop our children’s confidence, spoken language and written outcomes across and beyond the curriculum.


To promote classrooms rich in talk, in which questions are planned, peer conversations are modelled and scaffolded and the teacher uses talk skilfully to develop thinking. From EYFS to Year 6, children are given opportunities to develop oracy skills and build their confidence in talk for formal and informal situations, both in and outside the classroom.

 How  Oracy link with our Torch Values?


 Our intent is to enable the children to improve their levels of oracy so that they are express themselves clearly and are able to communicate effectively and confidently in front of any type of audience.  These skills are being encouraged in every area of our curriculum as good oracy skills can enhance every type of learning including maths and science. A key part of oracy is for children to think carefully about the language they’re using and tailor it to their subject, purpose and audience.

We want our children to be able to take the oracy skills they have learnt and apply them to their lives now, later in education and throughout their lives.


At Holly Grove we have adopted the Voice 21 framework for oracy which breaks down the teaching of speaking and listening into four strands:




-Social and Emotional

The deliberate, explicit and systematic teaching of oracy across the school and throughout the curriculum will support our children to make progress in the four strands of oracy. 

A range of purposeful opportunities are used to encourage learning through talk and learning to talk, including:

  • Whole Class Reading and Guided Reading lessons
  • Word of the Week
  • Book Club 
  • The use of sentence stems**, for example, in Mastering Number
  • Class assemblies
  • Assemblies and productions 
  • PE lessons – teamwork and communication
  • Discussions for example in English, R.E. or PSHE
  • Making predictions, for example, in Reading or Science
  • Sharing work within classes, year groups and across the wider school
  • Drama activities such as role play and hot seating

** a sentence stem class resource has been provided for each year group

Oracy Termly Suggestions

holly grove oracy termly suggestions.pdf


 Oracy School Year Group Plan


holly grove oracy school year group plan.pdf