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Holly Grove Primary Academy

Reception The Farm Topic

We have been thinking about "The Farm". We have had to create our own farms in the school world area, as well as using our cutting skills. We have also been enjoying the role play area - where "The Vets" is! We have been caring for the animals and trying to make them feel better. 

In Forest schools we included the Farm topic in our problem solving work. Our task was to make a hen house or a cowshed. The first group made a hen house, but they left a gap and Miss Mantle pretended to be the fox and was able to get in and steal the chickens!!

The second group made a cowshed. Miss Mantle pretended to be a bull, but she couldn't get in to worry the cows. Well done everyone! Great Cooperation skills! 

Reception Farm Topic 2025

We have been learning all about farms, the animals and how farms work