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Holly Grove Primary Academy

Modern Languages

What is Modern Foreign Languages?

At Holly Grove Primary School we teach Modern Foreign Languages to all our Key Stage 2 children in a fun and interactive way as part of an outstanding learning experience. 


  • We believe that learning a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for pupils.
  • They develop communication and literacy skills that lay the foundation for future learning of languages.
  • Pupils develop linguistic competence, extend their knowledge of how language works and explore differences and similarities between a foreign language and English.
  • Learning another language raises awareness of the multilingual and multicultural world around us.
  • The learning of a foreign language provides a medium for cross-curricular links and for reinforcement of knowledge, skills and understanding developed in other subjects.
  • At Holly Grove, children will acquire some knowledge and understanding of the different languages and cultures in the world today.

How MFL links with our Torch Values

holly grove torch values in mfl.pdf


What our children say about MFL at Holly Grove:


To develop the teaching and learning of French in Key Stage 2, preparing children for future opportunities in French speaking countries. 

mfl intent 2024 25.pdf



The document below shows a planned teaching sequence that a unit of MFL lessons may follow in order to promote the sequential and progressive development of knowledge which can be securely demonstrated by our pupils.

mfl subject overview.pdf


what you can expect to see in a mfl lesson 2024 25.pdf


mfl unit of work pub.pdf


Our Modern Foreign Language Curriculum

To ensure children are taught and remember the appropriate knowledge and skills relating to MFL we have created a Key Stage 2 progressive breakdown of the national curriculum expectations, this draws on the skills and knowledge being taught across all subject areas and hopes to contribute to the development of key concepts and themes in a deep and connected way. 

mfl skills progression 2024 25.pdf

National Curriculum MFL.pdf


 MFL at Holly Grove

Take a look at all the fantastic learning that has been taking place in MFL across the school.

Year 3/4 MFL