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Holly Grove Primary Academy

Online Learning information 

We have put lots of different links to lots of interesting educational websites who have lots of fun interactive games, activities for children to extend their learning at home. We do not take responsibility for the content of any of the external websites. Please do let the school know if one of the links becomes broken or no longer works. Thank you and have fun! 

Become a Mine of Information with the National Mining Museum Scotland

What is coal made from? What was it like to be a Victorian miner? Were there coal mines near where you live? Dig deep and learn about your mining past with these resources from the National Mining Museum Scotland. 


Break into the castle with Cadw

There is a siege in your town and you are part of the townsfolk. Your family are inside the castle and you need to get in to make sure they are okay. But the castle is locked down! Can you break in


Make a stop-motion animation with Tower Bridge

Inspired by a new film celebrating 125 years of Tower Bridge, learn how to make a stop motion animation of this national landmark


Try a creative challenge with the Norris Museum

Make a lino print, create your own optical illusion, bake Roman honey cake and more with these Norris Museum videos. Share your creations and they could feature in an exhibition when the museum reopens about our experiences of living through these unprecedented times.


Learn about Roman life with Malton Museum

Lucius, the museum’s resident Roman infantry soldier, has some challenges for you to complete and learn about Roman life. From word challenges to playing Round Merils, take on Lucius’s virtual challenges.


Make and excavate poo with Arbeia Roman Fort

For most people, the idea of finding old human poo is disgusting. And the idea of dissecting it and looking at it carefully through a microscope is even worse! But this is exactly what some archaeologists do. Make your own and find lots of other family learning activities on the fort’s website.


Discover the amazing Anglo-Saxons with Chippenham Museum

Chippenham was the meeting place for the Chippenham Hundred. This was how the Anglo-Saxons divided up and ran their kingdoms. Learn about the Viking attack in 878AD and draw your own Viking design. You can also find information sheets on Victorian engineer Brunel and World War Two.


Bring on the battle with the Royal Collection Trust

Imagine you are a soldier hundreds of years ago trying to conquer Windsor Castle: is it easy to break in or are the defences strong enough to keep you out? Find out by playing the Bring on the Battle! game.


Take a virtual ride on the Mail Rail with the Postal Museum

For a limited time only, experience the sights and sounds of the underground railway beneath the streets of London. You can also find some great activity sheets on the museum’s website.


Make your own exploding rocket with Eureka!

Rocket science doesn’t need to be complicated! Join Darren and Alex as they go on a journey of exploration into the facts behind rocket explosions. Here’s a rocket explosion for you to try.


Play Noteworthy with the Bank of England Museum

Each of the Banknote Examiners in Debden Printing Works checked thousands of notes a day for printing errors. Play Noteworthy to find out if you could do their job.


Connect to nature with Chatsworth House

Take a look at Chatsworth House’s new learning resources for ages 5-11, helping you explore the wonder of nature from indoors. Explore how to use and make maps, follow compass directions and discover ways that animals adapt to survive. Visit the website.


Museum of Zoology - University of Cambridge 

Play one your window bingo. Go to the site and download your bingo card and give the game a go. When you are out on your daily walk see what birds, plants, butterflies or other animals you can see. 


Make a Norman Soldiers helmet with the Reading Museum

As well as a whole host of other activities exploring the Bayeux Tapestry, the Roman Empire, Ancient Egypt and more. 


Under 5’s



Help at Home 

Parents have asked us to put information online to help you when you are at home with your child.


Helping your child at home

Helping your child with Addition

Helping your child with Counting

Helping your child with Division

Helping your child with Fractions

Helping your child with Multiplication

Helping your child with Subtraction

Helping your child with Times Tables

Reading at Home


This link will take you to Oxford Owls where you will find a wealth of information to help you. It's split into year groups and age ranges. There are parents guides as well as practical activities to do with your child. 


This link will take you to a library of hundreds of free books that your child can read on a tablet, or other mobile device. You do have to register but it is free. 



This link will take you to resources and information to help you with spellings at home including games to play. 


This is a blog about Five creative ways to help your child learn their spellings 


Grammar and Punctuation

This link has great videos to support you at home helping your children with Grammar and Punctuation. The videos are half way down the page. 



Lots of advice in helping your child write at home, including a video on handwriting. 


Encouraging creative writing at home with free resources to download and a blog with tips. 


Year 6 SATs
