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Holly Grove Primary Academy

Design and Technology

What is Design Technology?

At Holly Grove Primary School we value Design and Technology as an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others needs, wants and values. At Holly Grove Primary Academy we aim for the pupils to become autonomous and creative problem solvers, as individuals and as members of a team. The subject affords opportunities for them to develop their core skills of resilience, reciprocity, reflectiveness and resourcefulness. In D.T, pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens.


All children

  • Follow the programme of study for the National Curriculum.
  • Work with a range of materials and components to make products. These include textiles, food, construction kits and sheet materials.
  • Design and make good quality products.
  • Produce work using a variety of materials and processes.
  • Acquire creative and technical skills.
  • Formulate opinions about designs.
  • Evaluate their designs and products.
  • Communicate their ideas orally and visually.
  • Develop an interest in DT.
  • Develop and use the language/vocabulary of DT to observe and record information.

What our children say about Design Technology...


Our D&T curriculum aims to nurture creativity and innovation through design, and by exploration of the designed and made world in which we all live and work.  

Design Technology Curriculum Intent.pdf


The documents below identifies the key elements which we believe are important to incorporate into our D&T lessons for them to build on previously taught knowledge and to deepen and secure key concepts. 

  • Our pathway for a unit of work in Design and Technology (Please note: the order of the pathway may be different but all elements will still be covered).
  • Our pathway for a lesson in Design Technology (Please note: the order of the pathway may be different but all elements will still be covered).

What you expect to see in a unit of work for DT.pdf

What you can expect to see in a lesson DT.pdf

Our Design Technology Curriculum

DT Curriculum Skills and knowledge.docx.pdf

Design Technology Vocabulary.pdf

Year Group overview


Look at our fantastic Design Technology work!

DT Wacky



Staff training

As part of our commitment to STEM and ongoing professional development, 10 of our staff have been trained to use Lego to support the curriculum. This method of learning enables children to connect, construct, complete and then continue with learning.

STEM Project

Children from across Key Stage 2

Burton and South Derbyshire College’s LEGO Education Innovation Studio combines LEGO with science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) related group activities and challenges. Our children had a wonderful time creating their own future schools- great team work and inspirational thinking! 


Year 5/6: Topic: Exploring Space

The children were challenged to design, create and make a space buggy using various materials. They made simple axels and tested their designs.


Year 5/6: Project Gliders

The Children had a days workshop working with the Royal Air Force Youth STEM team. They were challenged to work with a partner to design, create and test three gliders made from a range of materials using the formula: speed=distance divided by time. The children evaluated their gliders to see which was the over all best design. What a fantastic day!  


Year 3/4: Structures

We have been investigating 'structure'; how structures are made stable through the joining and strengthening of materials so that they can stand independently. We used our knowledge to design and make free standing photograph frames. 


Year 3/4: Moving Monsters

We have been learning how pneumatic systems work to make objects move through air flow, We planned, designed and made our own moving monster with moving body parts.


Year 3/4: Topic: Light Up Signs

In this topic, the children have explored electrical safety, creating simple circuits to create their illumination, sawing of wood to construct a simple box frame which is then pinned and glued then fitted with a designed light box sign. 


Year 1/2: Wacky Windmills

In our Windmills topic we looked at what are windmills and what are they used for? This allowed us to explore the materials they are made from and how we could then make our own with the end design being strong enough to stay up right but also enable the sales to be blown by the wind. We loved testing them to see if they worked!


Year 1/2: Vehicles

In Year /2 we investigated different wheels, axles and chassis. We looked at the best shapes and the best combinations for different types of vehicles. In teams, we discussed the vehicle we were going to make; drawing a detailed design, labelling the materials needed. We assembled our vehicles using joining techniques and then tested them out to see which travelled the furthest or fastest.


EYFS: Design Technology- Woodwork

In Reception the children have been practicing their progression of skills by learning how to secure a piece of wood in a vice and drilling into metal by using a hand drill with Mrs Southall. 


EYFS: Creating Structures

In Nursery the children have been using the equipment outdoors to investigate a variety of creative building materials to make a house for The 3 Little Pigs after reading the story with Miss Mantle. The children used their communication and cooperation skills to work together to solve problems and make the most amazing house! 

 Other useful Design Technology information 

DfE Design Technology Primary Curriculum.pdf

Useful DT ideas

DT projects can be simple and fun to do at home. Here are a few links to ideas about what you could do to challenge and enhance your child's technology skills.

Make a money box 

Lego Fidget Spinner 

Lollipop Stick Catapult

DIY conveyor belt

Make a Marble Run

Make a Mini Canoe

Self-propelled boat

Wind Power Challenge

We also have some useful websites that share ideas for STEM opportunities either to visit or activities at home:
