School Vision and Torch Values
Vision and Beliefs
At Holly Grove Primary Academy our vision is to offer a rich, broad and balanced curriculum which provides pupils with first class, exciting and creative experience. We will develop thoughtful and responsible young people with high self-esteem and with the motivation, skills and knowledge to succeed in life.
We believe in delivering an exciting and broad curriculum through high quality teaching and innovationWe believe enabling pupils to become independent, confident young people who can cooperate with others
We believe in developing and knowing children as individuals who tolerant and respect others'
We believe in enabling pupils to become well-rounded, happy and kind children who achieve to the best of their ability
We believe in working in partnership with our community and other schools
The Holly Groves Motto is
"Reach for the Stars!"
Code of Conduct
In addition to Holly Grove assisting your child to develop educationally we also promote a happy and secure environment with our Code of Conduct.
- Be respectful
- Be safe
- Be kind
Torch Values
These are our school values which we call our Torch Values. These values are the basis on what we feel all our children need to learn and demonstrate.
- Tolerance
- Ownership
- Respect
- Cooperation
- Happiness
- Tolerance is knowing we are all unique and different.
- Tolerance is being open-minded and understanding
- Tolerance is sharing our similarities and accepting our differences.
- Ownership is taking care of myself and others
- Ownership is being fair and honest
- Ownership is doing my share of the work
- Respect is appreciating and listening to others
- Respect is liking who I am
- Respect is knowing I am unique and valuable
- Cooperation is helping one another
- Cooperation is working together with patience
- Cooperation is collective effort to reach a goal
- Happiness is feeling good and peaceful inside
- Happiness is knowing I am loved and safe
- Happiness is sharing good wishes with everyone